CBM Press Release - Jefferson City, MO. - Manifest Destiny: The Path Towards Wisdom

CBM Christian Author Press Release
For Immediate Release

Jefferson City, MO. -  Manifest Destiny: The Path Towards Wisdom by Dr. Jamere Brown Spencer reveals hope, purpose and identity through a powerful testimony of his life that led him to victory in finding his own purpose and destiny in the Kingdom of God.  He uses these experiences, along with historical events that relate the unfolding of destiny, such as the Underground Railroad and the march on Washington D.C. in 1963 that also reveal deep spiritual truths.  As an author, minister and theologian, holding a B.A. in Journalism from Lincoln University of Missouri, a Masters of Library Science at the University of Central Missouri and a Thd. from Faith Bible College, Dr. Brown unveils 8 principles that will bring you to your own destiny within the Kingdom of God.  Each person has a manifest destiny as children of God and each person has their own unique abilities, gifts and talents, along with a pre-destined path, planned by God the Father Himself to walk in.  Learn how to assimilate these Kingdom principles into everyday living, making living life – a life worth living, filled with destiny and purpose!

Riveting and challenging, this new releases exposes the reality of the spiritual realm and gives readers the tools they need to discover their own destiny within God’s Kingdom.  With his knowledge of the Hebrew language, Dr. Brown has also included truths within the Lord’s Prayer, and what it means to wait on God that will transform lives.  This is an amazing read to inspire, teach and disciple the body of Christ to find their manifest destiny in the One who created the universe. 

- “Prepare your mind and heart to be challenged and confronted, with love and grace. I assure you that if you are willing to apply the principles within this book to your life that it will lead to the path where you will be changed into the image the Father has created you to be, and empowered to do the things He created you for! Living a purposeful life!” ~ LaMont Rich - Pastor, Song Writer & Music Producer

- Dr. Jamere may be a Degreed Educator but even more so he is a spiritually gifted and caring person with a heart for Gods people.  I have personally benefited from Jamere’s spiritual insight and I am very confident that those who are fortunate and intuitive enough to pick up and read this wonderful work will experience the same amazing insight I did ~ Denise Tichenor, International Recording Artist
There are tough truths in this book, some you will never have heard before. Some will convict you deeply. And some will transform your life. The depth of Jamere’s understanding, though, will take you places never visited before and ultimately lived in. ~ Mark Littleton, Author of more than 100 Books

Dr. Jamere A. Brown Spencer is available for booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book-signings.  For more information about the author, his ministry and debut book, please visit Jamere or contact him by Email at: destiny@jamere.org. You may also purchase the E-book at the author's onlinebookstore page.

A CBM Christian Author Press Release, sharing Christian authors and book news.