Moving Your Mountains with Faith

Title: Moving Your Mountains with Faith
By: Penny Mungoshi
ISBN: 978-1496023322
Review Date: April 21, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Moving Your Mountains with Faith by Penny Mungoshi describes a powerful faith journey through Scripture that contains key principles and life-changing messages that will transform your life, giving hope to move those mountains in life that stand in the way of God's promises. 

Relying on the Word of God as the infallible truth, the author describes the process of overcoming in faith to victory.  Covering such aspects such as standing in faith, perseverance, unbelief and the power of the tongue, the author has written a powerful testimony to the power of faith.  Within the pages are keys to living in the truth of the Word of God, thereby moving your mountains through faith.  Encouraging, insightful and uplifting, this book offers practical application as to how to apply faith in every aspect of life.

With such chapters as: The Key to God's Heart, Who is God, The Continuous Life of Victory and Success in Jesus Christ, The Name of Jesus Christ Combined with the Word of God, Your Thought Process and the Power of Your Word, Spiritual Upbringing, Religion is Not for You, Meditation, Jesus is the Healer in All Things, Shine So Bright, You are an Overcomer and much more, this read offers a journey of faith in discovering who God is, what real biblical faith is and gives the readers the tools and scripture to overcome through adversity. 

Simply stated, the author has written an easy and fast-paced read, encompassing a message of hope, faith and victory in standing on the Holy Scriptures and the Rock of Jesus Christ as the answer to every situation, trial and storm of life.  These key principles offer the way to living victoriously through Christ and His Word.  Written to encourage the body of Christ in such a time as this, this book comes highly recommended and is a must-read for new and mature believers alike!

You can get your copy of Moving Your Mountains with Faith at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.. Be sure to visit the author at Penny Mungoshi or at her Amazon page.

CBM Christian Book Review sharing Christ with the nations of the world.