Will Time Run Out - An Exceptional Sc Fi Christian Novel

With time rapidly winding down, will Manta’s wonderful gift be able to guide us into a paradise for all living creatures? Or are we doomed to succumb to our own violent self-destruction? And what is the source of his uncanny ability?

With inspired scientific knowledge and the world on the brink of obliteration, Manta sets out to solve the world’s energy crisis once and for all. He discloses the Fundamental Nature of the Universe, a model of the universe that describes how all matter is constantly changing directions at a resonant frequency in a precise spirographic pattern, and uses this model to produce a new and comprehendible energy equation, rendering E=mc² obsolete. 

An exciting and futuristic new story, Corporate Messiah uses an educational and optimistic approach to hook readers from the very beginning. Filled with captivating science and a thrilling story, this one-of-a-kind novel will appeal to readers from a multitude of different backgrounds. With dramatic storytelling and an insightful message, this exceptional novel is the perfect addition to any reader’s collection.

You are invited to visit Corporate Messiah for further information. Be sure to get your copy at Amazon.