52 Short Lessons - Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil

This book is designed with 52 short lessons which include: Concept diagrams: learn the principles visually; For Reflection ideas: think deeper about each lesson; Experiential exercises: know the truths in your heart; Next Steps actions: apply what you learn in your marriage.

~ Book Title: Marriage from Roots to Fruits: 
~ Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil
~ Author Matt Pavlik
~ ISBN #978-0986383106
~ CBM Book Review
~ 10.0 out of 10.0 plus stars

Marriage from Roots to Fruits: Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil by Matt Pavlik is a solid, biblical Christian marriage book and study guide that gives hope for troubled marriages when failure is not an option. 

As most know, the divorce rate is at a staggering rate in the U.S. Most couples are bombarded with a myriad of issues that come from encounters with the world’s darkness, sin and the enemy. 

In this profound book, the author as a licensed professional marriage counselor, gives understanding to your personal design by God that includes your identity and a step-by-step journey of growth in God and within a marriage. He unveils marriage as designed by God that was intended to be an environment where one can grow and prosper.

With this in mind, the author presents a fascinating and insightful read that teaches one who you are in God and what marriage was created for.  

Matt has created a guide, divided into 3 parts as: Spiritual Foundations, Individual Growth & Marital Growth to help readers recognize that good fruit comes from good trees. Therefore, he starts from the root of issues to produce godly fruit. This takes readers within a marriage, individually, or within a small study group, on a journey of self-discovery to enable them to put God back into the picture. Thus, producing a fruitful harvest the way God designed marriage to be enjoyed.

Marriage from Roots to Fruits comes highly recommended as a read that is not only biblical, but practical. 
Additionally, the author addresses many of the issues in marriage that can eat away at the root system of a marriage to include: communication style, your love language and conflict resolution. (Honestly, there is so much in the book that all cannot be listed within a review). 

Within the pages of this book one will learn to view each other as an individual, understand differences and godly roles, while learning to apply godly principles within a marriage that will transform marriages and individuals. The book is certainly an all-encompassing Christian perspective from one who is a professional marriage counselor and has a heart to heal marriages.

As a reviewer that has reviewed hundreds of books, many which are on marriage, this book stands out as one of the best that I have had the pleasure of reviewing.

Be sure to visit the author at Marriage From Roots To Fruits, Christian Concepts and New Reflections Counseling for more information.