CBM Christian Author Press Release - Christian Author Gregory A. Booker

A CBM Christian Author Press Release

Gregory A. Booker re-releases, Seven Letters Detailing the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ, combing 2 of his previous books, 7 Letters and Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus, the Christ. 

This Reprinted Edition gives key scriptures for each letter that help readers understand these End Times we are living in considering key elements of prophecy, Scripture, and the importance of Israel as a nation, to include their Restoration and return to the Messiah. Intriguing, the author has culminated a book that gives: “…a very thorough and complete study of the reality of prophecy considering both the Old and New Testament, Ancient Israel and the New Covenant Church.” 

Such subjects as Israel as a nation and their promised Restoration, Prophecy, the Paradox of the Seventieth Week of Daniel, the Ten-horned Kingdom of the Anti-Christ, Mystery Babylon Revealed, The Redemption of Israel, The Tribulation Saints, Christ and His glorious appearance offer an inspirational and informative read for the times we live in!

Key scriptures and Biblical insight offer a “detailing” (in layman’s terms) of some of the most significant prophecies to be unfolding upon the Earth. This is an important End Time book revealing much that the Church must come to understand. The author as a prophet has included dates of his writings that are further proof of prophecies that have been fulfilled and give credence to his office as a prophet.  

Thus, this book is written to ALL the Saints, believers, and non-believers alike for their mutual purification, perfection, and preparation. 

In like manner the understanding of the importance of Israel is key, giving insight as to what Israel’s restoration means for every person on planet Earth. 

This is a wake-up call to the Church that brings current events and End Time prophecy together giving hope and encouragement for the times that we live in. This author has done a great deal of the research and given an overview of the things to come, that are under our very nose, leading up to the Return of Christ.